Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Agape Love
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Shake the Dust part 2
Thursday, April 12, 2012
For a long Time I've Been praying about the next step that God would have me take.
"Ok Lord," I would say, " what is next for me. I need to know without a shadow of a doubt what you would have me do."
I had forgotten that the last time I had prayed that prayer I choose not to do what he said. I have come to realize that the Lord never changes his mind. If He asked you to do something years ago, chances are his request will stay the same, until you obey.
Four Years ago I was blessed with a great job with benefits. I remember that after receiving this blessing I went into the bathroom at work rejoicing with tears in my eyes that the Lord had given me this job that I was so unworthy of. Here I am almost five years later and now the Lord has asked me to leave.
"Leave Lord really, how could I leave when you gave me this Job. I mean it was a blessing and an answered prayer."
"My Daughter," He said so sweetly, "The active word in that sentence is Was. At one point this job was a gift to you, but it has reached its expiration date. I need you to remember that I am your provider, the job is simply the means in which I chose to provide at the time. Your position there is now for one of my other children and I am calling you to something greater."
Still it has taken me a while to do what he has asked. Even now I type at the desk of the job that He wants me to quit.
One of the things that I have been involved with at my job, here at Nashville State Community College, is a ministry called Campus Crusade for Christ. Today I met with a woman who contacted me about her interest in Campus Crusade. To make a long story short, she is now the active adviser for Campus Crusade, I have passed on the baton. She let me know that coming to Nashville State was a step of faith for her and being the new adviser for Campus Crusade is an answered prayer. If I choose not to step out of the way I would then be holding on to the answer that God had to her prayer. I have so much peace in her taking over this organization.
We prayed to seal and bless the transition. Instantly I feel my contact with the Lord has grown in clarity. It is like I was clouded by hanging on to this thing, and letting go has opened the space that the Lord has been trying to get to.
In obedience moving your feet is required it is important to know that God is never the one who needs to prove himself to you, rather You need to prove yourself to Him. He is so Gracious that He loves, protects, and provides for us even when we are blatantly disobeying him.
It is scary not knowing the next step, but as my former pastor would say,
"Don't ask the Lord to order your steps if you are not willing to move you feet."
Get it, Got it, Good....
Monday, March 12, 2012
Shake the Dust
I have a coworker/friend who is an atheist. Often times we go on walks and talk about theology and philosophy. Although she disagrees with my faith, I can honestly say that I deeply love her and pray often that God will change her heart. I believe God has used our relationship not only for a seed to be planted in her, but also for Him to grow my faith. I remember early on in our relationship, a Christian coworker of mine over heard one of our discussions. He decided to pull me to the side and give me a little one on one coaching. He said something to the effect of, "You know, you don't have to throw your faith at people to get your faith across to them. Sometimes it is better to simply lead by example."
This weighed heavy on my heart. The last thing I wanted to do was, shoving my faith down some ones throat. After this I walked over to my atheist Coworker to make sure that I was not offending her. She reassured me by saying that I was not. She also added that are talks were something she looked forward to, and she felt the need to brush up on her Bible reading so that she would be able to understand my references. Wow, this was exciting news for me.
2nd Story
While at work, I may say things like; thank you Jesus in order to celebrate, or bring up my faith in order to better explain a certain point or give advice. On this particular day another Coworker (who is not an atheist, rather she believes in a god consciousness) expressed to me that she does feel that I shove religion down peoples throats. That hurt. It is never my goal to make others feel uncomfortable or bash them over the head with religion. I had some friends that I discussed this with and they helped me realize that when you have submitted to Christ, He is such a part of you that most of the time everything you do is too Loud, too Righteous, or too Holy. That is what happens when Christ becomes a part of your DNA. Who am I to stoop the conviction that his spirit brings.
So why the title.. Shake the Dust?
In both stories I came to a cross road where I could have stopped because of accusation, judgment, and discouragement, or I could just keep it moving, and Shake the dust.
I was reading in Luke 9 to day, and this is what it says in verse 5; Wherever people don't except you, leave that town and shake the dust off your feet as a warning to them.
You see Christ new that we would run into discouragement. He has always known the possibility of rejection as a response to His Gospel. So, when that time of discouragement comes from anywhere; Friend, stranger, Mother, Father, Sister, or Brother. It is important to understand that Chris has charged us not to wallow in embarrassment when others reject us, or even argue with those who refuse his Gospel. No, His command is to simply Shake the Dust.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Parents Train up a Child in the Way they should Go and When they are old they shall not depart from it. Prov. 22:6

My mom is a pretty amazing woman. I can't express how Happy I am, that God would grace me to be her daughter. So many times I here about generational curses, bad trait or habits that manifest spiritually and physically through out an individuals family history. What if we focused on generational blessings? Late last night, till 2:00am my mother and I were talking about God. Those talks are rare since we are both so busy. My mother grew up in Haiti... Talk about spiritual warfare. When i was young she didn't tell me too much about her childhood so that my sister and I would not fear or be upset. Now that I am older I am learning so much more about the person she was while growing up
This Is One of Her Stories,
When she was youn,g my mother had to spend a lot of time in church. She grew up Catholic and all though she took her religion very seriously she, always searched for something real and tangible in her faith. If you grow up as a Catholic there are specific prayers that must be prayed, an individual may never pray a specific prayer regarding their personal situation. Because God favored her, He stirred a thirst in her that was foreign to that of her religion. When she would go to mass she would hear the priest say, "when you say those prayers you have to have Faith". My mom would literally go into her prayer closet and say " Lord let me see you, Lord let me see you, Lord let me see you..." She did not know at the time that this was a personal prayer. When she was in her early teens, she lost her sight for three days. While she was loosing her vision, there was a revival happening in here neighborhood. She sent a paper with her name on it to the revival because she was not able to go. The people prayed over it. While she was home her prayer remained the same " Bondye fè m 'wè, Bondye fè m 'wè, Bondye fè m 'wè....Lord let me see, Lord let me see, Lord let me see..." By the time the revival was over she had to feel around a room just so she could make it to the bathroom. And finally when the paper was returned to her she opened it and immediately she could read what was on the paper, her sight was returned.
If God wants you, He will make every appeal to have you. But you must be the one to say yes. Relationships aren't a one man show. I believe that God has predestined me for something greater, but it is only because my mom said Yes that I have the grace to know him.
Generational blessing, yeah I think I'll be speaking those over my family from now on.
Any way I'm happy, hope you are too.... any questions?
Till next time xoxo..
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hi all